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In 2009 i was living a terrible life i really didn't know what i wanted in life i had a women that loved me and i an had an alchol problem as well. i chosed the alchol.sept 7, 2009 i tried to kill my self but before i did i prayed to jesus and asked him a question he answered and now i'm married to the women i chosed alchol for.Jesus had answered my prayer and now i'm living for him This link is a whole church sermon and the man telling the testimony i telling what he saw in my life at the time of my trial.just before the ukraine crisis i was wtching tv and i was hearing about russia had a ship in cuba and Iran had a ship had a ship coming towards Alantic ocean it got me curious of whats going on.That night i went to sleep and i heard a voice telling me that i reconize the signs these are the signs of rumors of war. Ever since ive heard the voice ive been paying attention on whats going on around the world and study Gods word and studing the blood moons that are on jewish hoidays this year and next year.right now matt 24 the things going on around the world seems like the order f what jesus spoke in Matt 24 after ive herad the words rumors of war.I"ll keep watch and will endure what ever come my way.JESUS IS LORD
Redeemed400's Templates
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