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Home > Video Gallery >  Harry Chapin - All My Life's a Circle

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  • Uploaded: 2011-02-04 17:13:55.947
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Harry Chapin - All My Life's a Circle

Creator's Description

Harry Chapin - Rockpalast Live taped in Germany on April 12, 1977 All my life's a circle, sunrise and sundown Moon rolls through the night-time till the daybreak comes around All my life's a circle I can't tell you why Seasons spinning round again, the years keep rolling by Seems like I've been here before, and I well remember when I've got a funny feeling that we'll all be together again No straight lines make up my life, all my roads are bends There's no clear-cut beginning and so far no dead ends I've found you a thousand times, I know you've done the same Then we lose each other, it's like a children's game If I find you here again the thought comes through my mind Life is like a circle, let's go round one more time Note: The syncronization was a bit off, so I fixed and re-uploaded this wonderful song.


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