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Home > Video Gallery >  Addictive Breed Acoustic - Black Hole


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  • Uploaded: 2011-11-06 11:40:58.75
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
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Addictive Breed Acoustic - Black Hole

Creator's Description

Lyrics: Oh and Black Hole Lifting on then to my soul and I know, where better life goes when nothing, oh and though I'm solo and now lost When your heart is gone And what does it take? And What does it mean? What does it take? And what does it mean? And oh....... How can we be? Black Hole lifting on down to my soul Say it's you I burn for And nothing, nothing, what for? You're my girl I've seen for so long And what does it take? And What does it mean? What does it take? And what does it mean? And oh....... What can I say? Oh and Black Hole Continue my worl now I've seen ya Just from the Sun Then Nothing, no on, you can't do any cause nothing, oh oh oh And what does it take? And What does it mean? What does it take? And what does it mean? And oh....... Why can't I see?


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