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Home > Video Gallery >  Symboles


Templates: 11

Videos: 22

Photos: 0

  • Uploaded: 2012-06-10 00:09:34.86
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
  • Templates Used: 51
  • Views: 3762
  • Rate:  (28)


Creator's Description

Produit avec CyberLink PowerDirector 10--Since? immemorial times, humans have used symbols to express themselves. Some symbols became letters, which put together form different words and allow us to communicate and transmit our ideas and knowledges. Other symbols are music notes which allow us to play all kind of partitions,others, more figurative are the drawings and the paintings. A modern symbol is photography which allows us to share in real? the images of the wonders of this world , for instance "Venice by night"


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