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Home > Video Gallery >  Monticello Motor Yacht


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  • Uploaded: 2013-02-04
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 55
  • Views: 1980
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Monticello Motor Yacht

Creator's Description

2001 Monticello Motor Yacht Rare, luxurious River Yacht. This is one beautiful boat! Call it a House Boat, River Yacht, Motor Yacht or just plain Luxurious! You can't get better than this for under $300k. Enjoy the video and call us if you are interested or know of someone who is wanting to go boating in style and luxury Call: 239-340-6650. Over $350,000 in it, but only looking for $235,000 o.b.o. Now in retirement we had to choose the house or the boat, and we aren't getting any younger, so its time for someone else to get the joy out of this wonderful boat.


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