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Home > Video Gallery >  How to Ferret Bath, keep them clean & safe
dino pinch

dino pinch

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  • Uploaded: 2013-05-07 19:21:55.027
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 37
  • Views: 1555
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How to Ferret Bath, keep them clean & safe

Creator's Description

how to give the fuzz-butts a bath. how to keep the little ones clean and safe. this video is Bella & Rascal bath time. they get bathe about 4 or 5 times a year, inbetween they get spritz and towel dry 3 or 4 time a week. this keeps them clean and smelling nice and fresh. they dont hate bath but they don't like it too much either. they love to play in water , needed though so they get it ot so much getting totally wet down to skin.


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