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Home > Video Gallery >  You're the angel of my dreams


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  • Uploaded: 2014-12-28 17:39:54.86
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
  • Templates Used: 9
  • Views: 1643
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You're the angel of my dreams

Creator's Description

You're the angel of my dreams When I think of you, has awakened a dream. Because my soul, laughing with joy and heat. You're not just a thought, the made my night. You're so like an angel, who is always with me. Separate us so many miles, that it makes me often difficult, But I dream when you sleep, quickly restores here. Why are such dreams, always without rest or peace? If such a loving thoughts, not have something real to? I wish with all my heart, once it crosses our path, even angels need love, which are placed in their hearts. The music is protected by copyright. (c) 2014 WPS Produziert mit CyberLink PowerDirector 13


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