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Home > Video Gallery >  Russian Roulette Part 7b EVIDENCE - Stupdity in full flight
Ronald Medlicott

Ronald Medlicott

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  • Uploaded: 2013-12-13 23:03:34.517
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 31
  • Views: 2263
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Russian Roulette Part 7b EVIDENCE - Stupdity in full flight

Creator's Description

The City of Playford in South Australia wants to raise millions of dollars in parking revenue from fees and fines by forcing residents to drive on the wrong side of the road. This 5 minute video highglights the dangers that I have recorded. My initial remarks heard at the start of this 'almost silent' video are a response to a bureaucrat trying to convince me that because has no white centrelink, there is no problem with driving on the wrong side of the road! (I kid you not.)


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