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Home > Video Gallery >  Snowshoe up Green Hill (promo version)

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  • Uploaded: 2014-02-10 17:03:00.497
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 65
  • Views: 2787
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Snowshoe up Green Hill (promo version)

Creator's Description

It was a beautiful sunny day on January 29th with temps in the teens (after a -10 night) when Jess and I decided to hike up our newest snowshoe trail, Green Mountain Trail. It goes from Ford Brook up to the top of Green Hill. We cheated a bit and drove our Polaris Ranger up 1/2 way. I got out my new Go Pro Hero3+ to capture some of the gorgeous scenery. This is the most rugged of our trails, but if you are in good shape and up for an adventure - the views are worth the effort! Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 11.


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