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  • Uploaded: 2015-11-29 13:49:10.463
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International language (Years, years ago)

Creator's Description

This is part of my project which I am going to present to audience (my classmates). I study in American College of Sofia from this year, and this is my second project about international language. My project has three parts: video - language before, speech - language now and future (reasons for other/new language, how to solve this problem about speaking with people), and article - why is music the international language? After you watch the video, you will understand the main idea of my production, and this is that the music was, is, and will be international language, but in the future we will speak with music. If you are interested, you can download my own mobile device from this web-site: https://(I will upload this tomorrow in the evening).com, and you can see their interesting facts and predictions about future. Also you can find the musical alphabet on which we will speak. Please, do not copy the video, it is private! Please, do not download the video for other presentation, this violates my copyright! Please, do not upload the video again, this is not allowed! Thank you for everything in advance! Video was created by: Palikarsky, Martin All rights reserved.


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