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Home > Video Gallery >  Kootenay Pirates - Mt Shasta California


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  • Uploaded: 2016-01-07 17:58:21.523
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
  • Templates Used: 110
  • Views: 3545
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Kootenay Pirates - Mt Shasta California

Creator's Description

Another GeoAdventure with the Kootenay Pirates This time its around a dormant volcano in Northern California September was a great month for GeoCaching near Mt Shasta I tried to make this video shorter but it toook away from the story line so here it is. I have almost 1000 photos that did not make it in the video LOL Yes I know it took a long time to get this video made - but its that time thing(or lack of) - so I took advantage of being to sick to go to work and finished this video. Hope you like it


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