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Home > Video Gallery >  Apple Cinnamon Greek Yogurt Parfait 2-4-2016
Jennifer Alvarado

Jennifer Alvarado

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  • Uploaded: 2016-02-06
  • Using:  PowerDirector 13
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Apple Cinnamon Greek Yogurt Parfait 2-4-2016

Creator's Description

Apple Cinnamon Greek Yogurt Parfait Viewer Carmyn's apple cinnamon greek yogurt parfait is an ideal breakfast option. It will satisfy your sweet cravings, fill you for the morning, and is a healthy alternative to already-made fruit yogurts. The recipe won't take you more than two minutes to complete, and you can easily put it in a jar for breakfast on the go! ingredients 3/4 cup Greek yogurt (1%) 1 tbsp honey 1/2 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 gala apple (cored and diced) 1/8 cup applesauce directions 1. Mix the yogurt, honey, vanilla, and cinnamon in a bowl. 2. Layer the parfait in a jar or bowl: apples, yogurt, applesauce. Continue until the jar or bowl is filled. 3. Top with left over yogurt and apples. 4. If desired, top it off with cinnamon and drizzled honey.


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