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Home > Video Gallery >  S2 Ep 80: Top 10 Alola Region Pokemon!


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S2 Ep 80: Top 10 Alola Region Pokemon!

Creator's Description

Heeeeyyy Pokemon Champions!!! What's going on?! It's DarkBlaze here and welcome to another favorite Pokemon list I've made for you guys!!! This time I'll share with you guys my opinions on the best Pokemon in the Alola Region from Pokemon Generation 7! This is based solely on my opinion and my personal experiences with them; also, I am not doing favorite Sinnoh Pokemon at the moment because I want to share my opinion on Alola before I finish playing Pokemon Sun and Ultra Sun. So I hope that some of your favorite Pokemon made it on the list, and if not, be sure to share your favorite Pokemon in the comments below! ;) So grab some friends, grab some snacks and as always, I hope you enjoy the video! *NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, I do not own or claim any of the rights to the images, clips or music used during this video; all respective rights go to Pokemon, Shopro and Nintendo. They are solely used for entertainment; no copyright infringement intended.* Music for Intro & Outro: - Party Ghost: "VPR" & "12am" Background Music: Pokemon Sun & Moon Soundtrack: Pokeli: - "Welcome to the Alola Region (HQ)" - "Hometown Music (HQ)" -" Hau'oli City (Day) Music (HQ)" - "Verdant Cavern Music (HQ)" - "Ten Carat Hill Music (HQ)" - "Island Kahuna's Theme (HQ)" - "Heahea City Night Music (HQ)" - "Route 4 Music (HQ)" - "Friendly Trainer Music (HQ)" - "Royal Avenue Music (HQ)" - "KoniKoni City Day Music (HQ)" - "Heroic (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)" - "Pokemon Center (Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness)" Let's Connect: - Twitter: @DarkBlazeRH14 - Instagram: darkblazerh14 - SnapChat: ASH! - YGO/Poké Amino: DarkBlaze! THX 4 WATCHING!!! C U GUYS IN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW!!! ;)


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