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Home > Video Gallery >  At Home Full Body Workout For Beginners


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  • Uploaded: 2018-01-14 01:04:22.6
  • Using:  PowerDirector 15
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At Home Full Body Workout For Beginners

Creator's Description

Today's video is for the beginners ( but anyone can do this) who are not sure what to do to start the process of loosing weight. We will be focusing on an at home full body workout. The reason for a full body workout is, you will loose more fat and burn more calories in shorter time, becasue yo are using more muslces. Also this will elevate your heart rate and give you a cardio affect as well. Plus, you will only need to do this 3 days a week. Giving yourself a day off inbtween workouts.There will be a total of 5 exercises, 10 reps each, and you will do it for 20 minutes. There is no equipment needed for this workout. However, if you want to make this more challanging just put on a backpack and add some weight to it. The Muscle groups we will be focusing on is the chest, Shoulders, Back, Abs, and Legs. Good Luck! 1)Push Up -2:10 2)Pike Push Ups- 3:46 3)Reverse Floor Flys- 5:03 4)Russian V-Twists - 5:39 5)Air/Body Weight Squats- 7:00


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