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Home > Video Gallery >  Day 12 #AdpocalypseChallenge #SmallYouTubeArmy


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  • Uploaded: 2018-01-29 05:04:12.413
  • Using:  PowerDirector 14
  • Templates Used: 51
  • Views: 2238
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Day 12 #AdpocalypseChallenge #SmallYouTubeArmy

Creator's Description

Little man was a huge help to me today and helped me get the rest of my stuff put away from Christmas :) He is getting to be such a big boy! Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 14 JOIN THE #AdpocalypseChallenge !! * Upload a video with #AdpocalypseChallenge in the title! * Post a video DAILY for 30 days and include the hashtag #AdpocalypseChallenge in the description of each video for 30 days! * Shout out fellow Small Youtubers throughout the 30 Day Challenge and SPREAD THE LOVE!! * Copy and paste these guidelines in the description of your videos. *** OR YOU CAN *** * If you're NOT uploading videos, SHARE your favorite Small YouTubers on your social medias and to everyone you know using the hashtag #AdpocalypseChallenge for 30 days! THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT AND JOINING THE SMALL YOUTUBER ARMY and ADPOCALYPSE CHALLENGE!! Music: Artist: Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen Title: Good Time


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