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O Lord, as we consider Thee

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O Lord as we consider Thee - How All Inclusive, Lord, Thou Art - Living Stream Ministry O Lord, as we consider Thee, We worship Thee for all Thou art; Thou art so rich, so wonderful, So dear and precious to our heart. What Thou art meets our every need! Our hearts o'erflow with praise to Thee! All our desires Thou dost exceed And satisfy continually. Thou art the very God in truth, The God who is both love and light; The God who is to us our life, The God in whom we all delight. Thou also art a man indeed, A man so fine, so good, so pure; A man in whom our God delights, A man who can our love secure. Thou even art a lowly slave, A slave of God to serve for us; Obedient to the cross's death That we might be delivered thus. Thou art, beside all these, a King, A King in life and love to reign, By God anointed with His pow'r To rule with us in His domain. Dear Lord, as we remember Thee, We thus partake of all Thou art; As we enjoy Thyself in love, We share Thee as Thy counterpart. 讚美主-祂的萬有包羅性 8888副(英190) 降A大調4/4 主,當我們把你思念, 因你所是我們敬拜; 你是如此豐富、奇妙, 何其可寶、何其可愛! (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已! 實實在在你真是神, 是那是光是愛之神; 是神,你作我們生命, 是神,你向我們賜恩。 (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已! 實實在在你也是人, 是一柔細、純良的人; 是人,你使神心喜悅, 是人,你能得著我心。 (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已! 你竟也是卑微奴僕, 為著我們作神奴僕; 甘心順服以至於死, 為使我們得救、蒙福。 (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已! 此外,恩主,你還是王, 為神所膏、是神所立; 藉著生命和愛掌權, 帶著我們一同治理。 (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已! 主,當我們在此記念, 我們分享你之所是; 愛中享受你的自己, 如此享受直到永世! (副) 你之所是正合我需! 我心對你讚美洋溢! 我之所願你全滿足, 綽綽有餘,應付不已!


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