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Home > Video Gallery >  Celebrate Aberdeen Parade 2018 - Union Street.


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  • Uploaded: 2018-08-25 19:34:19.667
  • Using:  PowerDirector 16
  • Templates Used: 58
  • Views: 913
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Celebrate Aberdeen Parade 2018 - Union Street.

Creator's Description

Celebrate Aberdeen Parade 2018 - Union Street. Run by volunteers for volunteers, Celebrate Aberdeen aims to bring together our local community, while shining a spotlight on some of the amazing people who deserve to have their efforts recognized. What began as a third sector parade back in 2011 has grow to become much more. We now host a weekend at the end of August which includes Union Street mile running races, a huge foot parade and musical performances at numerous locations throughout the city centre. We have also introduced the 'Celebrate Aberdeen Awards' which aim to highlight the great work undertaken by our city's third sector. But no matter what we do, our overarching philosophy remains the same, namely that of positivity, support , community and celebration.


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