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Home > Video Gallery >  Youtuber party pt 3
Aaron Tighe

Aaron Tighe

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  • Uploaded: 2019-03-12 09:06:32.963
  • Using:  PowerDirector 14
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Youtuber party pt 3

Creator's Description

Rainbow and Cryptize had no idea what pushed them into the water but they got out. Rainbow had saw something in his closet that looked like his suit but just looked at it and then remembered about Cryptize car collection down in his garage. Rainbow looked around but it was dark. He found a switch that had turned on the light. He finally remembers parking his car into the garage and forgot to tell Cryptize that he had parked it in there. But continued to look until he couldn't stand it anymore and went back up to the room that Cryptize gave him. Rainbow had went ahead and fell asleep but then just right around night time, Cryptize wakes him up to head out and prepare for the fight to regain all of the youtubers powers. Cryptize sat by the tv and watched it for a while. Rainbow thought he was playing a trick as he got up on the other side of the couch. But then Rainbow saw a vortex. Rainbow was curious and decides to go after it. But it sucked him in. The vortext took Rainbow and Cryptize into the first place in the youtube demention. Sure enough, The other youtubers were right there. Color text red: Oblivious HD Green: Thinknoodles yellow: Dan Tdm (found in part 1) Dark blue: Denis Daily


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