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Bryson City UMC

Bryson City UMC

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  • Uploaded: 2020-03-12
  • Using:  PowerDirector 16
  • Templates Used: 14
  • Views: 746
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030820 Worship Service

Creator's Description

This Sunday's prelude was "Little Prelude #4" followed by a solo, ""Mansion Over the Hilltop" by our Music Director, Ralph Murphy. The choral anthem, "It Is Well with My Soul" is a favorite hymn. John 3:1-17 was the scripture reading, which led us into Pastor Wayner's message "Searching for the Truth." Getting to the truth isn't always easy. There are so many different "truths" told by politicians, officials, even our next door neighbor. It's hard to get to the truth. A quick Google search for truth reveals ... about 1,410,000,000 results (0.56 seconds). Well, that wasn't helpful. Sometimes we have too much information, with too little wisdom. Fortunately Jesus brings truth to our search. In John 3:1-17, Nicodemus comes to Jesus in search of truth. But the truth Jesus shares was hard to understand. Nicodemus had to ask more questions and search deeper before he started to grasp how God's Kingdom works. Today, the same is true. We want quick answers but often need to dig deeper than surface level truths.


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