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  • Uploaded: 2021-03-22 03:32:55.35
  • Using:  PowerDirector 17
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HAtB 2021

Creator's Description

The main purpose of this Project in the provision of computer equipment for a Junior High School at Tijuana City. It will allow students to develop the digital skills through computing classes; research paperwork’s and achieves better results in their studies. That will result in a better graduation profile of Junior High School and allow them a better future. We joined our fellow Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Tijuana Agua Caliente at the dedication of the computer room at the Ricardo Flores Magon Secondary School No. 4. The school has a student body of almost 2000 and these are the first computers they will have. Our two Rotary clubs donated 45 computers and the school purchased 5 more.


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