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Home > Video Gallery >  OXNARD, CA - Wilson Community Garden - Charles Then and Now 4.20.2021

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  • Uploaded: 2021-05-02 02:07:45.357
  • Using:  PowerDirector 19
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OXNARD, CA - Wilson Community Garden - Charles Then and Now 4.20.2021

Creator's Description

Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 19 Enjoy life with new friendships, Studies have found that it is possible for seniors who squeeze in outdoor activities like gardening can see an increase in mental focus, sleep better at night, and even reduce their risk of falls. senior community’s gardening members can produce their own vegetables and herbs for the kitchen to incorporate into menu selections. Working outdoors also allows for increased vitamin D intake, a key contributor to good health. For an older adult who feels as though they’ve lost their purpose, gardening can deliver a sense of meaning and accomplishment.


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