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Home > Video Gallery >  THANK YOU FATHER
Dwayne Collins

Dwayne Collins

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Videos: 43

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  • Uploaded: 2021-05-20 20:30:17.323
  • Using:  PowerDirector 16
  • Templates Used: 34
  • Views: 375
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Creator's Description

They tell me that there is no ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH. They tell me that if there was an ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH, WHY? won't he stop all the corruption in the world? Why won't HE stop the sicknesses and diseases and poverty that exists on this earth? They say so many bad things about ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH who CREATED all things even the breath that WE breathe each and every day... I tell them that ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH does not live on this earth. Why won't WE put an end to all that is wrong and evil that WE put on each other. This is our earth! Dominion was given to us, who dwell on the land. WE allow evil, corruption and all things that are wrong and bad to happen to us. WE are Brothers and Sisters dispite of our race or color. It is us who makes the decisions to change our sex, murder, rob, steal and destroy each other. It is us who have taken in the attributes of he who is the hater of all of mankind. Why don't WE stop looking for ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH to give us SALVATION when WE can give SALVATION to ourselves. This is me giving thanks to ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH for allowing me to live among those who are supposed to LOVE me. I know that I dwell among devils and I appreciate ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH for giving me the breath to survive the evil that is in my way of being a RIGHTEOUS MAN. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY FEET, TO THE INNER MOST PARTS OF MY SOUL. THERE IS NOTHING GREATER THAN ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH.


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