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Home > Video Gallery >  Ebony Eyes
Dwayne Collins

Dwayne Collins

Templates: 4

Videos: 43

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  • Uploaded: 2021-09-28 10:07:39.267
  • Using:  PowerDirector 16
  • Templates Used: 32
  • Views: 1302
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Ebony Eyes

Creator's Description

Life is never what it seems and that is because of what They Say and how WE look at life today. I sat back in my office chair and dreamed of how life ought to be. I have read of the beginning of time but today WE don't care about our beginnings, WE just live for today. It is a survival thing. So, as WE survive in this mess of a world, WE should begin to look to our future. Can WE survive tomorrow, centuries from now, as WE are today? Will WE be a nation of corrupted salvations or will WE live as WE were created to live --- IN LOVE and be happy for the rest of our lives... But WE are still living for today!


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