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Dwayne Collins

Dwayne Collins

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  • Uploaded: 2022-10-25 00:18:22.407
  • Using:  PowerDirector 21
  • Templates Used: 58
  • Views: 1611
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You don't Understand

Creator's Description

WE all are living in a evil and wicked world. The corruption exceeds all that is happening in our lives. No matter what WE do, money rules over our every decision. WE cherish money as if it is the only thing WE have to live for. WE have forgotten about ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH. WE need money, like WE need the air WE breathe. WE need money more than WE need our children, our family can't survive without the money it takes to sustain our relationships. WE will kill, steal and sell our bodies for money. Money is our everything. But for some of us, life would be nothing without the LOVE of ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH. If it were not for GOD, WE would never live past the days WE are standing alone with nothing to eat. HE does provide for us. Is it the money that is provided or is it the opportunities WE have to get the money needed to survive? WE can live without money, the only thing is how WE will live. WE will live the pains and agonies of suffering trying to survive. This is because WE have allowed money to be our GOD. WE have allowed money to be our very means of survival. WE have made it necessary for us not to live without some forms of money. WE can't eat, sleep or walk down the street with a smile on our faces if WE don't have a dollar or some dollars in our pockets. Where is ALMIGHTY GOD YAHWEH in our lives?


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