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  • Uploaded: 2010-05-13 17:34:29.737
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Who is the Holy Spirit?

Creator's Description Talks around such a topic have been spoken about all over the world. Spiritual conversation throughout history have been speaking of the counsellor and comforter like a Holy Spirit that is their for everybody to find. Could it be our higher self? Is it God transcending time and space to be with each of us? hmmm. Even though many words have been used to describe the Holy Ghost nobody today seems to be directing people to being able to have a first hand encounter with their personal 'guide'. In keeping with mainstream Christianity, in trinitarian theology the holy spirit is one of three parts of God. As I read the Wikipedia explanation of the Holy Spirit I see a rehash on the same cryptic platitudes I hear in church. So we go to church and give our spiritual master who is the preacher 10 percent of our income for what? There blessing? A place in heaven? I

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