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Home > Video Gallery >  My First Glider (Sailplane) Flight
Dave Probert

Dave Probert

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  • Uploaded: 2011-08-06 07:52:00.617
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 13
  • Views: 4291
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My First Glider (Sailplane) Flight

Creator's Description

This is a vid I shot of my first glider (sailplane) flight. The conditions were perfect and I had over an hour in the air before having to land. As I fly a paraglider and paramotor the instructor allowed me to take the controls for 90% of the flight, including one of the loops. When my body can no longer handle the strains of flying a paraglider or paramotor, I’m definitely going to move into this sport. It looks like I’m set for life now. Thanks for a awesome birthday present Vicky :-D x x Best watched in full HD................ as the scenery's fantastic!!!!!!


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