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Home > Video Gallery >  Poročna fotografija-Wedding Video by Stane Jeršič
GPPA Stane Jersic

GPPA Stane Jersic

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  • Uploaded: 2011-08-16 09:52:52.447
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 61
  • Views: 1627
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Poročna fotografija-Wedding Video by Stane Jeršič

Creator's Description

PORO?NA FOTOGRAFIJA: GPPA foto - video TEAM zmore prenesti celoten spekter ?ustev in intimnih ob?utkov v prav vsak dogodek, ki ga fotografira ali snema. S kombinacijo foto-reporta?nega in umetni?kega pristopa bomo zajeli vse va?e osebne, pomembne, vesele, spontane, zanimive, jokave in osupljive trenutke va?ega poro?nega dne. V film, knjigo ali umetni?ke fotografije. Kreiramo tudi foto - video predstavitve, zasnovane posebej za objavo na Smarthphone, Ipad, Tab in na vseh dru?benih omre?jih ( Google+, Twitter, Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn...) / We specialize in short, creative, compelling videos that tell amazing stories. GPPA Photo - Video TEAM offers creative solutions within multimedia, professional photography, video and communication projects.


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