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Home > Video Gallery >  WLS Walking Buddies Traveling Trophy and Medals


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  • Uploaded: 2010-10-02 00:53:03.53
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WLS Walking Buddies Traveling Trophy and Medals

Creator's Description

Exciting information for the WLS Walking Buddies. Pluse don't forget to view the WLSFA Documentary Tomorrow October 2nd. The following was taken from the WLSFA Facebook Website: The WLSFA is very excited to announce the Debut of our Documentary Film entitled “Surviving to Thriving” On OCTOBER 2 at 7 PM PST We will debut the film on the web at BariatricTV and we ask you gather in small groups, invite fellow WLS peeps over to share the experience and the post a response video review at the WLSFA You Tube Channel. You can get more information about the WLS Walking Buddies at: "You Can Make It" By The Beach Boys - Album Still Crusin For entertainment only not for profit.


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