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  • Uploaded: 2011-06-20 05:05:39.067
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
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2011-06-19 Potrero John

Creator's Description

I am trying something a little different: Narrated Videos. By way of explination, a sub-set of Geocaching is seeing who can get the First to Find bragging rights to a cache. The First to Find Hounds take great joy in claiming the *FTF*. I am one such hound, with 824 First to Finds to date. Early this year, a macro appeared in GSAK which allows one to see what date in any year one had gotten a First to Find. At first I resisted, but eventually made it a goal to attempt to get a First to Find on every's a crazy goal that will take years to complete, but I am working at it. To date I have 252 days filled in with 114 to go. Miss a date, you don't get another chance for a year. So I left home at 5:15 a.m. to get a First to Find on a trail that's about 30 miles up in the hills above Ojai. Here's the video.


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