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Home > Video Gallery >  Perfect Parlick Paragliding on a cold November day, 28/11/10


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  • Uploaded: 2010-12-01 05:02:55.3
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Perfect Parlick Paragliding on a cold November day, 28/11/10

Creator's Description

Known as 'perfect Parlick' as it takes most wind directions and has a large West facing bowl and an East face with a ridge run (in right conditions). A few miles NE of Preston in Lancashire (near Chipping) it is one of the best Pennine Soaring Club sites. Wind was light but smooth, freezing at ground level, well below zero above (with wind chill) despite the sun - but up to 30 pilots turned up for some fresh air, plus a few gliders ! Paraglider wing is a superb Mac Para Eden 4 (DHV 1/2) flown with Kortel Karmasutra harness and filmed with Contour HD 1080P. Edited with Cyberlink Powerdirector, music by Dreadzone.


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