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Home > Video Gallery >  Rhythm - The Brain and a Drum / Bronowski Forum January 2011(1/7)


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  • Uploaded: 2011-01-19
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Rhythm - The Brain and a Drum / Bronowski Forum January 2011(1/7)

Creator's Description

An evening with three of the most distinguised scholars: two neuroscientists and a world renowned percussionist. The Bronowski Art&Science Forum continues its exploration of the interweaving of science and art with a most interesting hour-an-a-half presentation on "Rhythm - The Brain and A Drum". Held January 13, 2011 at The Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, CA, Dr. Aniruddh Patel, Dr. John Iverson and Professor and Percussionist Steven Schick interweave their perspectives on the power of rhythm in the human and animal worlds. Including demonstrations of Steven Schicks prowess as a wizard of rhythmic interpretation, along with the ongoing neurobiological research conducted by the two PhD scientist at the Institute, this multi-part series is unique, relevant and just plain fascinating. To learn more about the Forum and Institute visit their websites at and www.n

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