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Home > Video Gallery >  Dall Mountain Goat Stuffed Animal


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  • Uploaded: 2011-11-29
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
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Dall Mountain Goat Stuffed Animal

Creator's Description This plush mountain goat is all white and made by Aurora. Now, a real Dall mountain goat would be a little hard to keep as a pet, especially if you didn't have a huge piece of property where it could find plenty of natural food, run, jump and climb. Yes, these goats are not really made for just laying around being treated like royalty. However Dall the plush goat, he would be totally cool with just lounging on your bed, watching tv, heck he would he be up for a board game (hint: he isn't good at playing board games so, you can easily win). If you are looking for the perfect gift for the climber, animal lover or nature lover then this may just be it. Just visit Fuzz Wuzzy Anipals to see this all white plushie and many of his other plush animal friends.


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