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Home > Video Gallery >  Loch West Christmas Card Las vegas


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  • Uploaded: 2011-12-23 04:57:30.153
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
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Loch West Christmas Card Las vegas

Creator's Description

Here are just a few of the things and people that had an impact on us in this past year. We are very thankful and fortunate to have had such a prosperous 2010 here is a little something I would like to pass along. Most people don't understand how it works. The more we give without expectations the more we get in return most times in ways we never would have thought of. On the other hand in order to give someone has to receive. Never cheat someone out of giving, It is part of getting back anyway if it's not don't worry Karma will work it out! This is one thing we have learned in the past year and have to thank the many great people we have met, learned from and interacted with. May everyone have a fantastic New Year.


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