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  • Uploaded: 2012-01-05 03:15:39.857
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Tarantula Stuffed Animal

Creator's Description This big stuffed tarantula is not only bigger than the real thing; it is also not near a scary. If I woke up to see a 1 foot spider in my bed cuddled up under my blankets with me, I would want it to be this adorably 8 legged arachnid. If you or someone you know would love to have a big pet tarantula but, no one in the house agrees, then just visit Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals and order one of these hairy critters. Heck, how many people can say they gave their friend a huge tarantula for a gift? Yeah, no need to tell anyone it's just a cuddly stuffed animal. Wild Republic is known for making awesome plush animals and you can find a variety of them on our site.


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