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Home > Video Gallery >  Cookie the mini Shar Pei dog


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  • Uploaded: 2011-11-26 05:47:53.36
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 13
  • Views: 1937
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Cookie the mini Shar Pei dog

Creator's Description

Cookie is a cute and funny dog belonging to my friend, Liz and I always joke with Liz that Cookie is a hippo, manatee, or a walrus but actually I think that Cookie is adorable and I love to see her run in the dog park she was a rescue d crate dog and so she enjoys running a lot but sometimes lacks the social skills to enable her to realize that a dog is getting irritated she just loves all the dogs and thinks that if she loves them why wouldnt they love her back too what an inspiring little mini dog


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