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  • Uploaded: 2012-02-01 10:27:50.867
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How Shake It works - Zone 3 Therapies Springwood Qld

Creator's Description

How the Zone 3 Therapies Shake it Weight Loss Program works. Switching on Fat Burning Your body has three main sources of energy. It can burn fat, glucose (carbohydrate), or protein. When we burn fat, we produce substances called ketones. These are produced normally, and when we measure these ketones in our urine, we know we are burning fat efficiently. High levels of dietary carbohydrates, also known as high glycaemic load foods (e.g. sugars and starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes), work with the hormone insulin to 'switch off' fat burning and increase fat gain. It becomes virtually impossible to lose fat if you have raised insulin levels.


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