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Home > Video Gallery >  2012-09-24 #282 A Different Angle at Yale MP36.9


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  • Uploaded: 2012-10-03
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 37
  • Views: 1283
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2012-09-24 #282 A Different Angle at Yale MP36.9

Creator's Description

When I'm out shooting video, I often set up my Sony CX110 at a different location or viewpoint of what's happening. Sometimes I'll cut the footage into my main video, shot with the Canon XA10, as both are HD cameras. This time I'm posting the five trains at Canadian National's Yale milepost 36.9 from a different angle. Recorded using a Sony CX110, edited and produced using Cyberlink Power Director 11. N.B. Neither cameras nor operator encroached on the line of the right-of-way in making this video. It is dangerous, foolhardy (and illegal) to enter onto a railway right-of-way. Just sayin' ...Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 11


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