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Comments (12)
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hesham (Added on 2012/11/18)
very goog song.
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/11/18)
Thanks a lot
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Mohamed Weshah (Added on 2012/10/31)
نفسي عزيزه والتحدّي أجباري والكل بالآخر يحاسب ضميره واللي تخلاّجاه ردّ أعتباري النفس ماهي من بعدكم فقيره .,,؛
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/10/31)
I'm Sorry, but I can not understand your comment. But I thank him, I hope that there is something good. Sincerely ... Mayya
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aude (Added on 2012/10/29)
Very nice
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/10/30)
Thank you very much
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david (Added on 2012/10/29)
jolie musique et fantastiques images/effets
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/10/30)
Merci beaucoup
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lilia (Added on 2012/10/27)
Майечка! Браво!!! И название классное и видео!!!! Эффекты умеренно использованны! Удачи и успехов тебе!!!!********* :)
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/10/27)
Привет ! Большое спасибо . P.S. У меня к тебе боль шая просьба... Почитай пожалуйста Descript ... more
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Merxe (Added on 2012/10/26)
Es precioso !!! Gracias, me encanta mirarlo y trato de aprender. Saludos
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Mayya G (Added on 2012/10/26)
Dear Merxe ! Thanks for the comment. I also like your creativity. Wish you success in this... Sincerely ... Mayya
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