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Home > Video Gallery >  The Newzealand Story - ZX Spectrum Review
Dead Good Comics

Dead Good Comics

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  • Uploaded: 2018-04-23 18:13:59.083
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The Newzealand Story - ZX Spectrum Review

Creator's Description

Welcome watchers of Illusion to my castle of confusion! Welcome to another Retro Revival show! And what bundle of joy do I have for you lovely people to check out? Ocean were behind a lot of Coin-Op home arcade conversions, and some were hit...some were miss...this one on the ZX Spectrum is definate hit! The New Zealand story is one of those games that you will always remember playing. The Spectrum outing is a pretty much arcade perfect, with a little jagged scrolling but works well enough to be an enjoyable home arcade experience. Kick back, grab a drink and a snack, sit back and enjoy the review! Follow me on social media and remember to subscribe for more Retro game reviews. And as Always, thanks for watching and your feedback is welcomed! Do you agree with what I have to say? let me know in the comments, and remember to subscribe! Follow me on social media:- Facebook:- Facebook:- Twitter:- Twitter:- Intro - Loonie - Apfel kaputt 2 Outro - Red Sector Theme by Cirdan


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