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Home > Video Gallery >  The Cavendish school prom Class 2011! by Abi


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  • Uploaded: 2011-07-28 04:37:38.49
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The Cavendish school prom Class 2011! by Abi

Creator's Description

------------------- Please read! hehe! n____n ------------------ Hello guys! so i promised my friends irl that i would upload this for them! this was our prom! and i hope you enjoy the video as much as they will! hehe! n____n We all had a fantastic time! so thank you to everyone who made this prom happen if you're watching! and thank you miss D for being a great tutor ^O^ ------------------------------------------------------------- I have some very creative projects coming your way soon! i've been veryyy busy with youtube and dancing and things lately so sorry for the delay!! Love you all! Abigailm28 xoxoxo

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