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Home > Video Gallery >  La Jolla Trails--GCNW
G. Scott Miller

G. Scott Miller

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  • Uploaded: 2012-12-02 05:55:26.99
  • Using:  PowerDirector 11
  • Templates Used: 16
  • Views: 1464
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La Jolla Trails--GCNW

Creator's Description

An eight-mile hike with about 20 geocaches, and just a beautiful day to hike. There was a trail running club on the same trail. It was quite a contrast to watch them speed along as we were cruising along at a slow pace with frequent stops with our packs full, while they were running along with a bottle or two at the most. To each their own. Cache is a little longer and "slower paced" than most of my videos, but my wife turned me onto another wonderful artist on Music by: Day Dreaming Fox: "Autumn Dreams 3"


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