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Home > Video Gallery >  DR32 firmware screen


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  • Uploaded: 2013-08-26
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
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  • Views: 3204
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DR32 firmware screen

Creator's Description

A unit from a, presumably, faulty batch that seemed to be sold worldwide. To return the camera would have cost a great deal of money - in the UK, customers must not lose out when they are sold faulty goods, the manufacturer picks up the cost of return shipping. After a great many complaints from dissatisfied customers, the manufacturer said they would update their firmware. Before the firmware upgrade and After However, over time, the quality seems to have deteriorated again. A poster on dashcamtalk showed how to check your firmware version. Imagine my surprise when I discover the 'April 19 update' is simply a much earlier version - the manufacturer didn't work on a fix for the audio after all ! Seems like it's up to the customer to sort out

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